Friday, November 29, 2013

                                                       Happy Thanksgiving!!
                        Week 23 and my Mommy looks pretty happy with herself.
                                       She's wearing Christmas PJs I love them                                        

This is my heart beat. My Auntie
bought a little bear with a heart and you can
record my heart beat so I can listen to it when
I am a big girl!

Hey little cousin Auntie Christine is taking you swimming.

My Uncle Ty and Auntie Christine are in Hawaii.
Are you going to go see my Grandpa?

What's wrong Uncle Ty are standing on hot Lava?

Aloha Uncle Ty and Auntie Christine
This is my grandpa holding my mommy.
I can tell my grandpa really loves my mommy.
They look like they are having fun!
21 weeks and I am growing like crazy. My Mommy looks so pretty! 
Hey There Little Cousin!!!
My Auntie Christine looks cute. Love you baby cousin!
Something Fun to Look at!!! All babies are adorable!

Locked and Loaded
Let's get ready to Register

Finally my grandma went shopping!
I love the colors my grandma is having a great time.

Here's Mommy she is 20 weeks along or 5 months. Oh my gosh not much time left. Pretty soon we will all get to meet.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Happy Halloween.
My Mommy dressed me up for Halloween. Hey is that someone from Oklahoma???
Here is my sweet little face. I am smiling.

Look here are my feeties

Yes I am clapping Because...
I am a little girl!!!!!
 I gave my Mommy a little kick to show her I am a healthy little girl.

Today is a big day. My Mommy and Daddy are going to find out if I am a boy or girl. My Mommy is 19 weeks along and we are all excited!!My Mommy has a cute little look on her face.

Monday, October 21, 2013

                               How did My Mommy know I liked bears. These look comfy.
                                                        Thanks Mommy

Look how pretty my Mommy looks...I am starting to become a noticeable little bump. 17 weeks or 4 months 1 week WOW I am almost here. It won't be long.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hey baby I wanted to tell you I will do anything for a bone!!! Love ya'll little hushpuppy

Yep!!! That's the one I want you to rock me in. Just think Pops you and me rocking..  

Start studying Mom

Hi little cousin, I love your pouty lips. I can't wait to meet you. We are going to be best friends. We can have sleep overs and share clothes, and play together. This is going to be fun. 

This is My Baby Timeline. My Mommy made it and I like it


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hi There!! I am so excited to be your big sister. I won't mind if you want to dress me up. I will go for walks and runs with you. Oh and PS I love the ocean I think it tastes like soup. Hurry up and get here.

Now that is a nice little baby bump! Our little lemon drop. Looking good Mommy.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Time for my check up!
I am 14 weeks old and I am the size of a lemon. My grandma says Sweetest Lemon she has ever seen.


Here are a couple of baby pictures of my Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa. WOW!!!!! These are some pretty old pictures. I think that might be my Great Grandpa with my Grandpa.

My Mommy and Auntie want to know if I am a boy or a girl NOW!!! They want to start shopping already. They are trying to use some potion that will tell them what I am right now. Check it out! Look my Grandma is watching the magic happen.
We will see if this magic potion is correct in a couple of weeks. You know I am pretty curious to see what my Mommy and Daddy look like too. Ummmmmmmm

Say Hello to my Little Cousin!!!! I can't wait to meet you we are going to be best friends forever

I know my Grandma can't wait to meet us. From what I  hear she is going to give us goofy nick names like "Pork Chop or Sweet Pea" I think Grandma is going to be FUN!!!!

 Look my Mommy is having so much fun she even took me swimming!!!


 Here's Mommy and Daddy! They are a cute couple not sure what they are wearing on their faces